Hi, I’m Sasa

Psychic, Channeler, Medium, and Artist

In 2020, my life totally transformed when David Bowie visited me in channeled experiences to tell me that the New Earth is coming to the fore — and invited me to “enter the real world.” (Of course, I said a resounding, “Yes!”)

It’s a place where artists, spiritual seekers, and awakened people would transmute all suffering to create a new planet of healed awareness — from every part of experience, beyond what we can currently imagine.

My whole life seemed to start over — as if it were the true beginning of my experience, like my real birth, from the center of my life and outward — and I woke up to a new kind of reality, where infinite possibilities could be manifested on the physical plane. Where flowers could grow within seconds, physical objects could be created from nothing, and whole histories could be rewritten in the blink of an eye.

It’s been three years since my first steps onto the path of ultimate evolution, and I have seen what the Earth is truly meant to become. 

We are not limited to the perceptions we have about how we are meant to live. We are bigger than the people that the patriarchy tells us we should be. We are lovers, we are revolutionaries, we are truth — at our deepest levels. To believe anything else is to fall in love with the paradigm of old — where shadow and suffering ruled our lives, where growth could only happen through pain. We are much bigger than that and our lives are truly meant to be led by beauty, expansion, and heart.

I can’t begin to express to you the bounty of evolution that has been revealed to me in the time since my kundalini awakening. (Some of it has to do with realizing your most epitomal relationships on this Earth — deepest and truest love anyone? With alignment, perception, and wholeness? Oh yes, that is also on the docket. My favorite subject. Romance is the underpinning of all of reality. And we thought it was just peace. There’s so much more in stores, my loves.)

I speak of my awakening with warmth and delight, but I’ll tell you, much of the reality was abiding pain and trauma. David was a light in the experience, as was someone else — Alan Rickman (not surprising both passed in 2016) — but there were many hardships on my path that brought me into tremendous suffering and tried to convince me of the supposed blight of reality — that we would never wake up, that the world was truly nonsense, grief, and dying.

In that three years I rode the roller coaster of BLISS AND TRUTH AND MIRACULOUS HEALING! … to nothingness, struggle, and deep, dark depression and anxiety. Some would compel you to believe this is the awakening journey of the shaman, that it was a necessary experience to lead me to expansion. However, Gxd told me that I was never meant for this dark unfolding of my awareness and that shadow forces intercepted my journey and placed these dark offerings into my life because their truth was that, quite frankly, fucking with people was the pathway to evolution and expansion. Well, my whole spirit said — NO MORE. THAT’S NOT REAL.

And thus has been my journey to healing and deep truth. My whole being rejected the darkness that was given to me and I eventually came into the light — seeing the immense truth and beauty of the real world, which is essentially infinite expansion in a moment — the potential to connect to all beings on higher levels within minutes to create new opportunities, new realities, new potentials. We are not limited by the old ideas of reality any longer. The truth is that we are completely connected and interested in creating a totally New Earth together. 

I could spend ages and pages telling you about the real miracles I have witnessed and participated in, from the phenomenal truths relayed through animals and nature, to the manifestation of physical transformations in my life, to the speedy healings of illnesses and physical manifestations that moved with intention and verbal decisiveness. But I will tell you that the impossible is possible, and that we are meant to move into a new world. A song that David wrote called “Atomica” really spoke to this truth, and I will share some of the lyrics with you below.

“Let's get this show on the road 
Let's get Atomica 
Let's rock till we explode 
Let's get Atomica

These modern people 
They sure know how to live 
When you're head over heels and the magic is gone it's 

Well, I’ll tell you this. What David told me is it IS possible. What I see is that this song is transmuting the unfortunate and powerful reality that is denying us “modern people” from claiming the new world — I like to call that New Earth “Atomica”. Because the levels at which we are meant to create are so far beyond what people can currently imagine. We are creating a new world, free of global warming, free of undue suffering, free of the idea that the personal universe isn’t powerful enough to transform the whole of humanity. We are the modern people.

Well, at the end of the day, what we have before us is a new reality that will shake the foundations of what we have been taught is our birthright. I grew up in the South — original sin was the Baptist concept that we are born with imperfection and needed God to save us from ourselves. But I never bought into that — it was anathema to my very soul. 

The truth is that we are born into divine perfection and that our deepest self longs to live in a world where peace, hope, and true love — not some fairy tale or high spirit form of love — rules our lives and helps us discover, step by step, who we truly are as it evolves each moment. That includes deep depths of emotion and sorrow — and also bliss, happiness, and eurekas — because I’d never sell the idea that happiness was a golden feeling that didn’t include the fullness of ourselves.

I hope you will join me in creating the New Earth and all its gargantuan joy, beauty, and awareness that will unfold a totally new possibility on this planet. I know you are probably as excited as I am to make the impossible possible, and I hope to step out onto the path with you.

If you need support on your unique and powerful journey to awakening, please let me know. I would love to share this experience with you and help you find the next steps you need to evolve, heal, and find your purpose and joy.