Your Enthralled Self
Becoming who you are is a matter of embodying the highest, clearest revelation of your inner being — in your form experience — on myriad levels of Earth’s expression.
What I mean by this is: Who you want to fully embody as you is existing in a number of what most would deem “universes” — not multiverses, but expansions of life and form in various incarnations of the planet on a few levels of reality. I call them Earth layers or Earth incarnations.
In some of those incarnations, some of us create new lives with similar experiences so we can realize the new expansion of ourselves that we struggle to fulfill in this layer of Earth. Our expectations of who we can be and what we can embody are different, to the point where we see and feel other layers of reality with greater ease and less trauma than we would here. This allows our community of spirits who we are meant to connect with us on other layers of reality to find us and speak to us, sometimes through telepathy, astral projection, and obviously direct communication. One of these layers of communication is the Rainbow (described here), where many beings and people work together in conversation outside of time and space to create new quantum realities here on our Earth layer.
What I know about these layers at this time is that they all share a common thread with our layer of Earth. People we know here usually walk there with us. Other people we can’t connect with in this layer will show up in various ways to make it possible for us to share and enjoy our connection in embodied expression, versus as only a higher self collaboration, which doesn’t allow us to experience life with our tribe the way we are ultimately meant to — in bodies, as our Earth self, with the life experiences we are having now.
To find our circle of humans we most desire and need to be with in life, we work on other layers of Earth to find the path that will create realities here to make it possible for us to truly touch each other’s lives in form here in our Earth embodiment.
Finding our people is a journey of life we created in many different ways on the higher planes, sometimes between lives, sometimes in the Rainbow, and sometimes on what I call the “Other Earth” (an expression of our Earth after the architecture of the Earth as it appears in the Rainbow was fully created in form, somewhere adjacent to our reality and expressed at times through our personal, lived experiences in the New Earth as it weaves into our expression of the planet — more and more each day).
When we each work on these other layers of Earth to create our community of souls in body expression, the Earth of old releases from our layer of experience to be left behind — we release the desire to hold onto struggle and suffering to grow and the New Earth can form itself in the wake of these transformations.
Your enthralled self is meant to be expressed on this Earth layer and is more readily available as you find your circle of souls to share life with in this layer of reality.
No one is going to lose their connections to the people they needed to know in this life — magic is working on other layers of the world to put us in touch with each of our connected partners.
We are desiring our tribe to be in our lives so we can be whole.
And this is happening without struggle. More and more, we magically find our perfect community in our lives at this time of our spiritual history on Earth, sometimes underneath our noses. You might find that many of the people you know now are actually your soulmates and help you deeply connect with who you are at this time.
I have experienced greater ease in relationships, a profound sense of a loving community that understands me in my current sense of self — even though I have embarked upon extremely “odd” territories and dimensional expressions of life that would normally seem to alienate me from others — and I never feel alone. I know that you are also creating a new experience of companionship in your life and will see more ease in relating to others in your circle.
You may even notice that you are somehow connected to your own soulmate, or more accurately, Shushufay (more about Shushufays here) — and even if you don’t know them in your current lived experience, they are somehow touching your life. They may not be ready for you or aware of you, but you have the awareness that they are part of your Self on some level that is hard to explain or understand. (Note here: This knowledge should not encourage you to obsess, fawn, or I’ll go as far as to say stalk someone you think is yours. Be mindful and stay in your light. Knowing is not the same as a sense of owning someone, even if they don’t seem to desire you. Be sensible, but feel open to your knowing of this higher consciousness dear connection with them, without trying to hold onto them or maybe even feeling the need to connect with them. Again, be in your light, not in shadow, and hold space for your feelings without dishonoring them in the process.)
The reason relationships like these are in our lives is to let each person create a new world where we actually can see our higher self in others more easily.
Then we are more able to realize who we are in this life and the next. To become who we are is to realize the knowledge of our whole self, in others as well as ourselves. (Note this isn’t the same thing as feeling your connection to oneness and Gxd as ourselves — we have a knowing of self that is our soul group sharing unconscious wisdom with us and even blending our energetic aspects of ourselves with each other in parts of our lives. Not just connecting with the whole consciousness of the people on Earth and in what we see traditionally as Heaven.)
Why I realized this connection between souls was because I was open to a new layer of existence with many humans who were communicating with me mentally and through channeling, that I would never meet (because many of them were existing or speaking from other layers of Earth) but knew were totally part of my tribe. I also noticed friendships on this level deepening and showing me new kinds of experiences that were conceived in other layers of Earth — those relationships were starting to express their true value and intensity in this layer now that my whole being was available for it.
Higher self-expression comes into our form here as the New Earth unveils itself to each of us.
We are meant to know ourselves from a higher place at all times in our lives, and the future is a place where people are more Gxd than they are now.
No person needs to feel unaccepted by others.
We each enjoy the idea of human expression including all of ourselves. The higher self will no longer act as a collector of experiences via the avatars of our incarnations — it will be a whole self being as us, fully present and aware of all layers of existence. You may even notice you find new stories being told about you that you don’t recall, that are layers of your life touching other people outside of your current awareness. I call these quantum jumps. We jump into new timelines with others to support their growth and expansion and time moves faster than normal. I know this is real because I have experienced it many times before.
The other part of this journey is experiencing your Gxd self in form — as our form bodies are Gxd, contrary to what we tend to state in spiritual circles (the body is a vessel, an avatar, an apparatus, if you will). Ultimately the body becomes Gxd with the New Earth body we are stepping into, which is whole, healthy, aligned, and invigorated with our full self. True health is a reflection of the perfect form we once held only fully in the astral realm and can begin to realize here on the planet as we step into greater and greater 5D embodiment and awareness.
Now that you are here on the New Earth (by reading this far, you have likely given a higher consciousness indication you want to become a part of this new way of being), I want to help you step fully into the enthralled self that you are becoming today and tomorrow.
When I help healers, creators, and journeying souls find their new expansive awareness of themselves, I talk through the aspects that reveal the shadow that wants to come into consciousness and be transmuted into health and vitality, not to mention creative expression and claiming your gifts fully.
To work with me on the New Earth journey, all that is required is for you to want to move into a new life without pain or suffering. To acknowledge that the polarity awareness that once showed us light and possibility is no longer needed to move forward into a higher level of reality, where peace and curiosity are the truth of life.
How to become yourself: realize who you were born as and become them in this life. We are already perfect and ready for true enlightenment and prosperity. No more work is required to step into a powerful vision of yourself. It’s standing in your field right now and can be realized more every day, without too much struggle or worry.
Now that you have worked out the highest values of your self and desires, next is the journey of finding the people you need to spend time with in this life. That will happen easily and in perfect order. No work is required. You have them in your field, too, even if they only influence you from afar.
I believe you and your higher self are working on a new project to heal the planet at this time. When you embrace this work fully, the Earth can guide your work with so many opportunities for your own expression and prosperity — through synchronicities, Spirit winks, and downright magic. How it becomes real is easy to comprehend on the surface… It turns out the way your vision intended it from the highest realms, as you collectively realized your ideal with your soul circle.
Together we form a new tribe of healers and peacemakers who transform reality with thought and intention. Our work is to be the optimal spiritual embodiment of our true selves. That is the work of healers in this new era of planetary evolution and healing — compassion comes naturally when we are aligned with ourselves.
If you would like to participate in a journey experience with other New Earth individuals who are utilizing their intention and taking the opportunity to embody their ideal self in this life, join my New Earth Awakening Circle, where we meet monthly to share experiences, witness one another’s journeys, and share ideas about the new direction we are going in.
Or you can schedule a session with me to step forward on your path.
Thank you for showing up as the embodied healer and creator you are. Your love of the Earth is appreciated and needed at this time. Gxd and the beings that support our lives are here to help you find your new awakened embodiment of yourself in this world and the next. I hope you hear them more each day and can feel the unconditional love and support that is always there for you.
Always endeavor to be who you are. That is the greatest healing and expansion you can offer the Earth on all levels of creation. It is all that is asked of you in this new dimension of our expanded planet. And it is available to you now and going forward. As you embrace it, it will come into your life in new and exciting ways.
So, enjoy the journey!