What is the Rainbow?
It’s a location in the expanded astral realm (expressed as a physical reality close to Earth) where humans work together to realize their true expression.
It started out as a place where David Bowie, Prince, and other artists (both living and passed on) brought creatives over to help them evolve into their next domain, to move beyond stagnation and stories of limitation to become who they were truly meant to be.
As I experienced this unique and loving place in early 2020, it seemed to evolve to claim a new domain, which concerned itself with the evolution of all humanity toward perfect, embodied self-expression. In essence, we are all artists, creators, and makers — yearning for a reality where financial accumulation doesn’t rule our lives and we can experience true camaraderie and expansion. The ideal of the Rainbow was about people moving into a new expression of life, becoming who they were designed to be — creative, expansive people with the capacity to make a whole new unfolding of the world that included global transformation, the healing and fecund expression of Earth, and personal expression that rivaled any concept of it we’ve had before now.
Many people think of David as the consummate expressive creator, with a finger on the pulse of what was next, what represented a new level of creative expansion. And truly, he was. But at the present he looks to new worlds in all levels of self, working with our level of reality on a personal and transpersonal level, to realize a human expansion that involves each of us and our own deep expression to create a revolution of truth and awareness that reaches through history and the future — “tracing the darkness from the origins toward a light-filled growth and hope that will create all things in divine perfection — and help us transform all the drudgery of life into a plate of deliciousness that we can all consume.”
Into the next experience of Earth, people will know their higher selves as a part of their physical reality. Together we know the places we have created as reality on Earth, no longer waiting for the next lived experience (i.e. afterlife) to realize the world we’re meant to live in.
I would love to support you in accessing the new reality you designed for yourself when you incarnated on Earth and into this life. Please reach out to me if you would like to explore a new level of creation in your life.