Awakening to a Life of True Ease & Flow – Channeled VIDEO Message
The Earth is undergoing an incredible revolution of purpose and healing. 2023 is the time when we all have stepped into a great potential expansion of our future and are collectively working on a powerful new reality where the Earth can finally evolve away from old modes of suffering and trauma toward a reality of love, peace, and creative expansion.
In this video, I share a message from my higher self, Esme, about the new awareness that all people are exploring right now — through all space and time, including sending ourselves out to the realization of many possible futures — to uncover the optimal wholeness and peace we are meant to live on Earth, here and now — if we can release hardship and polarity to receive happiness and flow in our lives.
For those undergoing awakening — which I am sure includes you, as there are no accidents, only miraculous opportunities that show us the truth of who we are meant to be — the new Earth is emerging with the potential for tremendous healing — even the possibility of moving from global disaster to incredible potential for love and true, divine perfection.
Stepping into your true self is the most important experience on Earth at this time. Your happiness is the conduit for the Earth's transition. Now is the time to release the old paradigm of hardship to follow your truth and bring about the transformation of reality, from 3D to 5D. You are the one to bring the change.
It's time to evolve. Center yourself in the real. The world is calling for your total commitment to the big expansion that is ready to be created on Earth, now. Let today be the day. We are ready and there is no time like the present.
Reach out if you want a guide on your epic quest to realize your true calling and to participate with full consciousness in the Earth's awakening. I would love to be a guide on your journey to wholeness.