New 5D Awareness for the Law of Attraction – Channeled Video Message – May 2023
Walking the road of the 5D awareness and creative abilities that want to be realized on the planet takes a forward movement away from old concepts that served us tremendously well and are ready for expanded evolution into the new modes of being and creating on the planet.
As I walk the road of my own 5D awakening, I explore the new territory that my guide, Esme, shows along the path of expansion the Earth and lightworkers are experiencing at this time.
To step forward from your current understanding, let it shift out of old notions of working to shift your emotions out of negativity over trauma experiences that have held you back. New ideas about leaving behind darkness and stepping into bold acceptance of our true selves will create new realities that allow us to truly be abundant and fulfilled.
I would love to connect with you. Explore my site to learn more about the New Earth awakening and how you can work with me if you are experiencing a new dimensional expression of the planet in your life and work.
If you are in the midst of an incredible journey of awakening, even if you are feeling frightened, overwhelmed, or alienated, you have the potential to find a new enjoyment of the world and come to clarity about who you are stepping into and what world you are moving into at this time. Take heart. The journey seems rough at first for some, but we can make a sweeter and kinder world together.
You are co-creating a new paradigm with every new insight and awareness and it will become more a part of your life with each passing day. Deep and abiding love is your birthright. Hold it in your heart and it will find you with every new breath.